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How to Install WordPress on cPanel For Beginners?

WordPress is a famous word known in Web Design Industry. Well, almost half of the Internet’s Websites are running on WordPress Framework. As a beginner, it is not harder to start Website Designing Career with WordPress Designing.

To install WordPress on cPanel, you need to follow few steps as per we guide.

Step 1: Login to cPanel Dashboard.

Visit the link provided by your Web Hosting Company, or use the following link to reach cPanel user access portal.

Login cPanel

Step 2: Install WordPress

Generally, you will see an icon at the bottom of cPanel Dashboard saying install WordPress Script with WordPress icon.

Install WordPress

If you can’t see any specific icon, follow the next step.


Step 3: Find Softaculous Apps Install & find WordPress

Softaculous Apps Installer comes with multiple scripts to easily install a complete script without custom database integration. Generally, WordPress is the first script shown in Softaculous Apps Installer, click there.

Softaculous Apps Installer

Inside Softaculous Apps Installer


Step 4: WordPress Install Confirmation

Click on “Install Now’ to proceed further.


5. Installation Process

To install WordPress Script, just follow the following 3 Sub-steps.

Choose the domain name where the script needs to be installed. give your website a name & description in ‘Site Name’ & ‘Site Description’ section.

Provide credentials: Admin Username, Admin Password & Admin Email to login to WordPress Dashboard with Admin Access. Choose the Language of your wish, by default it is English.

Limit Login Attempt (Check) will install a plugin to keep your website safe from outer attacks. When someone is trying to make unnecessary Login attempts (more than 3 password failures), it will block the access of the particular IP.

Classic  Editor (Check) will install a plugin to keep the Website Editor setting as Old WordPress Editor. I, personally, don’t like Guttenberg Editor, so I still use old Editor for Page/Post editing.

Choose any default theme and hit ‘Install’. This is the last step of WordPress installation. Now it takes 2-3 minutes to load script to the server & then your website is ready to go on WordPress. Isn’t it simple?


When you finished with all the steps, you can visit WordPress backend (Dashboard) via this link:

Insert the credentials used during the WordPress Installation & you will be diverted to WP Dashboard.

If you still getting some issues during WP Installation, you can contact us, we’ll help you out.

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