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Easy Healthcare Enhances NDIS Support with Introduction of Specialist Support Coordination (Level 3) Services

Melbourne, Australia – July 20, 2023 – Easy Healthcare, a leading NDIS service provider in Melbourne, is pleased to announce the addition of Specialist Support Coordination (Level 3) to its array of services, reinforcing its commitment to offering tailored, high-quality support to NDIS participants.

“Easy Healthcare’s commitment is centred around delivering holistic and comprehensive support to our NDIS participants. The integration of Specialist Support Coordination (Level 3) service is indeed a key step towards this commitment,” says Mr Singh, Managing Director of Easy Healthcare.

The Specialist Support Coordination, a more advanced level of support coordination, is intended to assist NDIS participants with more challenging scenarios. The role of a Specialist Support Coordinator is to aid participants in comprehending and implementing their NDIS plans in situations that might need specialist attention due to high risks in the participant’s situation. The launch of this service underscores Easy Healthcare’s unwavering commitment to empowering NDIS participants to navigate their plans with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

“We are acutely aware of the unique needs and circumstances of each NDIS participant, and our mission is to ensure they are provided with the highest standard of support,” Singh said. “Through Specialist Support Coordination, we are set to assist participants in managing complex hurdles and extracting maximum value from their NDIS plans.”

For more information about Specialist Support Coordination or any other services provided by Easy Healthcare, please contact 1300 959 358 or email

About Easy Healthcare

Easy Healthcare, a trusted NDIS service provider based in Melbourne, is devoted to enhancing the lives of NDIS participants and aiding them in achieving their aspirations. With a dedicated team of experienced support workers and a strong commitment to providing personalised and compassionate services, Easy Healthcare serves as a dependable ally for those managing their NDIS funding packages.

Media Contact:

Easy Healthcare

Phone: 1300 959 358



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